How to make Cow Dung-Urine Organic Pesticide

            We know that Cow dung as well as Cow urine has a prominent role in Organic farming and Natural farming. Cow dung acts a nutrient and fertilizer supply to the plants, whereas, cow urine has a potential power in controlling various pests of crop plants such as insects and diseases. However, there is Cow dung-urine mix has both properties when mixed at proper quantities.

            Here, we will let you know about how to prepare cow dung-urine organic fertilizer cum pesticide, materials required, use and application of this complex organic fertilizer cum pesticide.

Materials required for the preparation of Cow Dung-Urine Organic Pesticide

  • Cow dung – 5 kg.
  • Cow urine – 5 lt.
  • Limestone (sunnam) – 150 gm.
  • Barrel – 20 lt capacity.
  • Barrel – 100 lt capacity.

Steps to prepare Cow dung-urine Organic Fertilizer cum Pesticide

  • Mix 5kg Cow dung and 5 lt Cow urine and store for four days and allow it to ferment.
  • Mix the whole mixture twice a day, once in the morning and the other in the evening.
  • After 4 days, add some water in the prepared liquid and strain through muslin cloth and add 150 gm limestone (sunnam).
  • Add the prepared mixture into 100 lt water..

Cow Dung-Urine Natural Pesticide Dosage

  • The dosage of this natural fertilizer cum pesticide is 10 lt per one acre area.
  • Spray the 10 lt by mixing in 100 lt of water.

Use and Application of Cow Dung-Urine Natural Pesticide

  • Cow dung and urine helps in increasing the crop plants tolerant to various diseases and insect pests.
  • In addition, the presence of macronutrients like N, P, K and other micronutrients in it helps in its uptake by the plants.
  • Helps in avoiding the egg-laying of insect pests on the crop plants.
  • In Paddy crop, spray twice in every ten days in order to control blast disease.
  • However, this organic mixture also control some of the plant diseases such as rot, leaf spots and other saprophytic plant diseases.

Green Chilli Garlic Organic Pesticide

This is all about the preparation procedure, use, and application of Cow Dung-Urine Organic Pesticide cum Fertilizer. For more details regarding Organic Pesticides and Natural Pesticides, comment below.

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