How to Start Vermicompost Business
Start Vermicompost Organic Fertilizer Business: Many farmers are turning into organic farmers, they are seeking organic and natural pesticides for the growth and development of their farms. Vermicompost is one of the major organic components of organic farming as well as natural farming. Many farmers are ready to purchase Vermicompost from the nearest Vermicompost suppliers. There is great demand for Vermicompost in the present day. However, there is less production of Vermicompost. Starting a Vermicompost AgriBusiness would give huge returns to the Vermicompost AgriBusiness farmers. In this post, we will let you know all about how to start a Vermicompost business.

Steps to Start Vermicompost AgriBusiness
Selection of land for Vermicompost Business: Select a proper and suitable land. One can start Vermicompost AgriBusiness in any type of land. Select a land that is easily accessable to the local market for marketing of Vermicompost. It is better and profitable to Start Vermicompost Business in a narea of 5000 sq.ft or 500 sq.yards.
Construction of Shed for Vermicompost Agribusiness: Construct a shed in 5000 sq.ft area. For longstanding Vermicompost Shed, use steel or iron racks for roofing. Make the flooring with concrete cement. In addition raise the side wall upto a height of 4 feets in order to protect the Vermicompost unit from different pests.
Vermicompost pits or bins construction: Construct the Vermicompost bins with 20 ft length, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet depth with 8-inch thickness wall using concrete bricks and cement.
Adding of Cow dung and Agriculture crop waste: Add and fill the Vermicompost pits with cow dung and crop waste in a ratio of 90:10. Fill the entire content with paddy straw grass.
What is Vermiwash and How to prepare Vermiwash
Watering the Vermicompost pits: Watering is done every morning and evening to the pits. Maintain 70% moisture with 80% RH (Relative Humidity) in the pits.
Adding of Earthworms to the pits: Add earthworms after 7 to 10 days of adding cow dung. Within a period of 1 month to 45 days, whole pits are decomposed to Vermicompost which is ready for use.
Harvesting, Packing, and Marketing of Vermicompost
Harvesting of Vermicompost: Using a 3 mm mesh roller, harvest the vermicompost with reddish-golden brown color.
Packing of Vermicompost: Pack the harvested Vermicompost in 40 microns plasic bags with 10% – 15 % moisture content. Expiry date for Vermicompost after packing is around 3 to 6 months.
Sale of Vermicompost: The cost of Vermicompost in the present times is around Rs. 50 per kg in the wholesale organic fertilizer market.
This is all about steps to start the Vermicompost business. For more information related to Vermicomposting, comment below.