Easy Guide to for Cherry Tomato Farming – Package of Practices
Introduction to Cherry Tomato Farming
Cherry tomato Lycopersicon lycopersicum var. cerasiforme which belongs to the family Solanaceae which is a culinary and an ornamental vegetable. Cherry tomatoes are small round tomato with the varying colour of orange, yellow and usually red. Hydrophonic culture of cherry tomatoes is soilless cultivation of the crop in media such as gravels, liquid, coir pith, vermiculite, perlite with the supply of liquid nutrient solution.
In this post, we will let you know about cherry tomato farming package of practices, how to grow cherry tomatoes indoors, different cherry tomato varities, cherry tomato farming in India, how long do cherry tomatoes take to grow, how many tomatoes does a cherry tomato plant produce, what is the best way to grow cherry tomatoes, grow cherry tomatoes from a tomato, cherry tomato plant height, growing cherry tomatoes pruning, cherry tomato seeds, how to stake cherry tomatoes, when do cherry tomatoes bloom, cherry tomato plant spacing.
Different Cherry tomato varieties
Sweet million: Very sweet and of 3 cm in size. It tends to cover the whole pant with fruits during July. It is highly resistant to verticillium and fusarium wilt, nematodes and Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Grows in 60 days.
Sweet gold: Produces yellow coloured fruits, which is much sweeter than sweet million. The fruits produced are fewer but are slightly larger than sweet million. Grows in 60 days. Good for salad. Resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and fusarium wilt.
Sweet orange: The colour of the fruit adds a pleasant look to the salad. Though it is susceptible to fruit cracking and low producer, it is preferred for its unique colour. Grows in 60 days
Sungold: Fruit with very high sugar content and are orange in colour. They are resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt. Grows in 60 days.
Sakura: A fruit type with excellent flavour and high disease resistance and low producers. Resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus and fusarium wilt and Cladosporium. Grows in 70 days.

Nursery raising for Cherry tomato farming
The seeds of cherry tomatoes are small and delicate and to be raised carefully. The usual method of the nursery is plug tray nursery for raising cherry tomatoes. The media used is coir pith. The seeds are to be treated with Thiram or Captan @ 1-2g/kg in order to control wilt and damping off. The seedlings will be ready for transplanting after 30-45 days of sowing.
Climatic conditions and pH for Cherry tomato farming
The cherry tomatoes grow well at the temperature between 20-300C with moderate or low humidity and need high sunshine. The pH to be maintained in the nutrient solution is 6.5 – 7.5.
Planting in Cherry tomato farming
Planting will be done when the seedling reaches 4-5 leaves stage. In which the irrigation to be withheld 2-3 days before transplanting. However, light irrigation may be given one hour before transplanting in order to eliminate the root damage while transferring.
Hydroponics set-up in Cherry tomato farming
Dutch tray system: a specific system for tomato hydroponics. A dutch bucket, to which an emitter is fixed to its lower portion through which the nutrient solution is provided to the reservoir and also it enables to drain the liquid solution.
The bucket is filled with media such as vermiculite and perlite at the ratio of 1:1. The nutrient solution needs not to be provided at the earlier stage if the media is vermiculite or perlite. Other than which, sand, Rockwool media requires a supply of nutrient solution. The vines of plants can be trained to the wire to have easy maintenance and harvesting. The hydroponics set-up is maintained under the poly greenhouse. This protects from pest and disease and also enhances high yield. In Polyhouse and greenhouse optimum climatic condition can be maintained.
Nutrient composition for Cherry tomato farming
The following are the nutrient recommended per 1000 litres of water (In gram)
Potassium nitrate – 200
Potassium sulfate – 100
Calcium nitrate – 500
Chelated iron – 25
Fertigation in Cherry tomato farming
The nutrient solution to be supplied every three hours once, as it is important to ensure sufficient moisture.
Pruning to be done just prior the first flower starts blossoming. As the plant grows they are pruned to a single leader, that is the main stem. The side shoots are to be removed. The pruning promotes reproductive growth by limiting the vegetative growth. The base of the plant vine is coiled together.
Harvesting in Cherry tomato farming
When the tomatoes get too ripen, it starts cracking, so it is important to harvest at the stage when the fruit starts turning red or pink and at frequent intervals. They are harvested either as a bunch or individual.
Yield from Cherry tomato farming
Each plant yields nearly 2-4 kg of cherry tomato fruit under proper maintenance.
Insect pests in Cherry tomato farming
Yet the plants are maintained under the poly-green house, where the chances of pest and disease incidence are comparatively low. Some of the pests that may attack the plants are cutworm and fruit borer which are controlled by the application of 5% neem seed kernel extract.
Diseases of Cherry tomato farming
The diseases are an early blight, late blight, wilt and buckeye rot. The disease can be controlled by using treated seeds and application of copper sprays and biocontrol applications.
General instructions for cherry tomato farming
- The emitters to be cleaned with a dilute acid solution.
- The pH and EC of the nutrient solution to be checked periodically.
- Provide proper aeration to the plants.
- Fertigation to be adjusted as the plants grow.
- Pollination to be done manually which enhances the high yield of the plant.
This is all bout Cherry tomato farming, for more details on Cherry tomato farming comment below.