Latest List of Chemical Fungicides Banned in India
Chemical Fungicides Banned List in India: In order to protect the crop plants from pandemic disease pests, the farmer must use some chemicals to control or eradicate the plant diseases. Those chemical are known as Pesticides. Furthermore, these pesticides are classified into Fungicide which is used to control the plant diseases.
Fungal plant diseases lead to major economical crop loss in India. Fungicides are used to control fungal plant diseases. Fungicides are the pesticides that account for major use after insecticides.
Check Here: Know more about Fungicides at CIBRC
But some fungicides are not recommended for many reasons, hence they are baned. Below is the Fungicides list that are banned in India due to the chemical hazardous to the environment.
Fungicides Banned by Govt. of India for manufacturing, import and use of application in India.
1 | Benomyl |
2 | Ethyl Mercury Chloride |
3 | Fenarimol |
4 | Pentachloro Nitrobenzene (PCNB) |
5 | Pentachlorophenol |
6 | Phenyl Mercury Acetate |
7 | Tridemorph |

Fungicides formulations banned in India for use and application but continued to manufacture for export in India
1 | Captafol 80% Powder |
In addition, there are also some fungicides that are withdrawn after use for some duration and there are also some fungicides that are refused for the registration in India. We have that list below. Hence check the list below to know about them.
How to use Plantix app in India
Fungicides Withdrawn for use in India
1 | Ferbam |
Fungicides refused registration in India
1 | Chinomethionate (Morestan) |
2 | Fentin Acetate |
3 | Fentin Hydroxide |
4 | Leptophos (Phosvel) |
Therefore, this is all about the list of Fungicides banned in India. We hope that you have got the information that you are searching for. We will update the list in the near future if any fungicides are banned by the Government of India and the agriculture department. For more details and queries, comment below.