Powdery Mildew Disease Management in Okra

Powdery Mildew disease management in Okra

Powdery mildew disease is a devasting disease caused by a fungus that leads to huge economic losses in crops. Among which vegetables are the susceptible ones. Okra is one of the vegetables that are prone to powdery mildew disease. In this post, we will let you know about causes, symptoms, preventive measures, cultural control, biological control and chemical control of Powdery mildew disease.

Causal OrganismErysiphe cichoracearum
SignsAt the initial stage of the disease, white minute patches on the upper surface of lower or older leaves can be observed and later spread to younger leaves. In severe cases, greyish powdery growth of the fungus appears which leads to necrosis, withering, drying and defoliation of leaves.
Fig A: Initial stage of powdery growth of the fungus. (source: forestry images)
Fig B: Rapid spread of powdery growth of the fungus among the leaves. (source: plantwise)
Preventive measuresAs the disease spreads in shade and dry areas, prune the overcrowded leaves of the plants to increase sunlight and air circulation.Use resistant varieties.
Natural controlSpray 5-7 days fermented buttermilk on the leaves.
Biological controlSpray Bio-dewcon @0.75 kg/acre that contains Ampelomyces quisqualis 1.15% WP. Spray Azadirachtin 0.030% EC, Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis also helps in reduction of pathogen.

Brinjal shoot and fruit borer biological control

Chemical control of powdery mildew disease

Spray the following chemicals at respective doses in order to control the powdery mildew disease of Okra.

Brand nameTrade nameChemical (technical name) formulationDosage/acreml/1lt water or mg/lt waterMode of applicationSpraying intervals/ waiting period
Shriram  Sulfadex 1.25 kg3-4 gm/ltKnap sack sprayer
BayerFolicurTebuconazole 25.9% EC0.2-0.3 lt1-1.5 mlsprayer7-10 days
cerexagri  Topsin M 70 WPThiophanate Methyl 70% WP286 gm0.7-1.0 gm/ltsprayer7-8 days
NagarjunaIndexMyclobutanil 10% WP120 ml0.4 ml/ltsprayer15 days
Tata rallisErgonKresoxim-methyl 44.3% SC300 ml1 ml/ltsprayer20
IndiamartTigerLime Sulphur 22% SC1.25-3 lt1.3 ml/ltsprayer
DowKarathaneDinocap 48% EC0.8 ml0.2 ml/ltsprayer

Conclusion: This is all about powdery mildew disease, symptoms of Okra powdery mildew, chemical and biological control of Okra powdery mildew disease.

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