List of Books to Study for JRF SRF NET/ARS Agriculture Statistics
Books list to Study for JRF SRF Agriculture Statistics: ICAR AIEEE 2018 is coming soon. Many Agriculture Graduates as Post Graduates Agriculture students are eagerly waiting for the notification. Many students are unaware of the syllabus regarding the exam and the books to study for the exam. No more worries, we will let you know the books list to study for various streams of agriculture JRF and SRF. In this post, we will let you know the Books list to study for JRF and SRF Agriculture Statistics. Without wasting the time, check out the books listed below.
List of Books to Study for ICAR JRF Agriculture Statistics
- Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics by Gupta Kapoor.
- Fundamentals of Applied Statistics by Gupta Kapoor.
- Programmed Statistics by Agarwal
List of Books to Study for ICAR SRF and ASRB NET/ARS Agriculture Statistics
- Sampling by Sukhatme and Sukhatme.
- Designs of field experiments by Gomez and Gomez.
- Multivariate by Johnson.
- Statistical methods and Inference – Gupta and Kapoor.
- Programmed statistics by Agarwal.
- Regression Montgomery Book.
In addition, for NET/ARS, go for both the JRF and SRF books. We wish you all the best for your success. Hope you crack the JRF exam. Click the below link for more information.