How to make Vermiwash at Home with Easy Steps
In the recent past, Vermiwash production has drawn the eager attention of Vermicomposting farmers. In this article, we will let you know all the information of how to prepare vermiwash how to produce vermiwash, pros and cons of vermiwash and all about vermiwash production. Let us look it out.
Vermiwash definition:
It is the dark brown liquid collected from the vermibed or vermicompost bed that has the fertilizer as well as the pesticidal properties.
Vermiwash meaning:
The vermiwash is then collected by allowing the excess water to saturate the actively vermicomposting substrate in which the water washes the substrate in such a way that the vermicast excreted by the earthworms feeding on the substrate as well as the earthworm’s body surface. The Vermiwash contains essential plant nutrients, plant growth-promoting hormones (auxin and gibberellins), enzymes (cocktail of protease, amylase urease and phosphatase that acts as antimicrobic), symbiotic microbes (nitrogen fixing bacteria such as Azotobacter sp., Agrobacterium sp., and Rhizobium and some Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB)) in addition to the macronutrients and micronutrients. It can also be used as a foliar spray as well as soil application whereby it acts as a pesticide and natural fertilizer for the crop plants in sustainable agriculture. The Vermiwash is a part of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP).
Vermiwash preparation/ Steps of Vermiwash production/ Vermiwash production Step-by-Steps:
The vermiwash producer or farmer can set up the vermiwash unit in a large container made of the concrete or plastic barrel (200 lit capacity). Drill a hole at the bottom of the container and fix a tap to it. At the bottom of the barrel, fill gravel or broken small pieces of bricks up to a height of 10-15 cm or 10-15% of the container. Add another layer with coarse sand 10-15 cm or 10-15%. Place hay on top of this layer of soil. Pre decomposed organic wastes or cow dung (10 days old) are added and moistened. Introduce about 1000 to 1500 juvenile or adult earthworms into the vermiwash container. Moisten the vermiwash unit is every day. To get vermiwash, continuously suspend water from a small bucket with a single hole at its center. Place cotton wicks/or bamboo sticks in the holes so the water trickles down. The water slowly percolates to the bottom through the compost carrying with it nutrients through the filter unit. Fill the container with 4 to 5 lits water every day to keep the unit moist.
After 7 to10 days, the vermiwash may produce in the container. On the 15 days, about 35 to 40 liters of vermiwash can be produced or collected. The collected vermiwash should be stored in a cool and dry place. The vermiwash may be diluted to 10 to 15% and can be treated as a pesticide or fertilizer on the crop plants or on the soil.

Vermiwash uses/ Dosage of Vermiwash/ Vermiwash application on the crop: There are many uses of vermiwash viz.,
- Root dip/Stem dip: The seedlings before transplanting are dipped in 10-15% vermiwash solution for 15-20 minutes and then transplanted. Similarly, dip the root or plant cuttings in the solution.
- Foliar spray: The farmer can also spray the Vermiwash @10 -15% on the foliage of crops. It provides the plant with vital nutrients and also helps the plant to protect from various disease-causing plant pathogens.
- Soil application: Soil application enhances the nutrient uptake by the crop plants and thereby it acts as a natural fertilizer for the crop.
Advantages and disadvantages of vermiwash:
There are only advantages of vermiwash. However, it may be a disadvantage if we apply at high concentrations without proper knowledge.
Vermiwash price:
The price of the Vermiwsh may vary from farmer to farmer. However, the farmer can sell vermiwash at the rate of Rs. 50 per liter vermiwash.