Damping off disease control
Damping off disease is a devastating disease in chilli nursery. Pythium species causes damping off diseases. It is also a major disease in crops like soybean, beets, pepper, cucurbits, chrysanthemum, cotton, and turf grasses.

Damping off diseases symptoms
- The sudden death of seedlings.
- Browning at the collar region.
- Water soaking lesions on the stem.
- Shriveling of the stem.
- Sudden collapsing, lodging, and death of young seedlings in groups.
Cause of Damping off disease
- Due to waterlogging conditions in the nursery seedbed.
- Poor drainage in the seedbed.
- High plant density.
- Through infested seeds.
Damping off disease chemical control
Seed treatment with fungicides such as Mancozeb @ 3 gm/kg seed or Carbendazim @ 1 gm/kg seed. Drenching with Captan 75% WP @ 2.5 ml/liter water.
Organic control of Damping off disease in Chilli
- Uprooting and roguing of the infested plants.
- Avoid flooding irrigation.
- Seed treatment with Trichoderma @ 5-10 gm/kg seed.
- Spray Trichoderma @ 5-10ml/liter water.
Powdery mildew disease management
Conclusion: Avoid shade places for nursery raising. Use the recommended seed rate for sowing. Maintain moisture levels in the nursery seedbed in order to control the damping-off diseases in chilli and other crops. Therefore this is all about how to control damping off disease. Furthermore, if you have any queries regarding disease management in crop plants, comment below.