What is Foldscope Technology in Agriculture Sector
All about Foldscope: In the recent past, the Department of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India with Prakash laboratory of the Stanford University of USA organized a two day workshop on the use of Foldscope that is invented by Manu Prakash and Jim Cybulski at the Stanford University, USA. foldscope is a Paper Microscope that is very helpful in imaging the cellular organelles and bacteria and other microbes with the naked eye. the two day workshop trained for about 500 Students and Teachers from various parts of the country in order to get to know them the use of Foldscope.

Foldscope Invention | Foldscope Inventor
- Foldscope was invented in the year 2014.
- It is invented by both Manu Prakash and Jim Cybulski.
- Manu Prakash is an Asst. professor at Bioengineering department of Stanford University.
- Jim Cybulski is the then student of Manu Prakash.
- Manu Prakash is a 37 years old Man native to India. he was born in Mawana town that is located in the Uttar Pradesh state.
- After the invention of the Foldscope at the Stanford University, both Manu Prakash and Jim Cybulski has established a benefit corporation for the commercial production of the Foldscopes with the manufacturing units at San Fransisco and China.
Foldscope in the Agriculture Science | Agriculture Sector
There are many benefits of using Foldscope in the field of Agriculture. Foldscope can be used either by the Agriculture Scientist, Student or even the Farmer. It is mostly used by the former ones. However, the Farmers are also able to use the Foldscope for diagnosing a disease pest or insect pest in a crop in order to take preventive or eradicative control measure of the pest incidence.
Foldscope has the resolution up to 2000 X which is helpful in diagnosing various plant pathogens and insect pests. Identifying the disease pest play an important role in controlling a disease incidence on a crop. Therefore, using the Foldscope helps in controlling the diseases of crop plants.